Why you need a website and when you need it, Paul & Cinnamon

Are you running a business or a hobby?

Before deciding to invest the time and money in a website, you've got to determine what it is you're hoping to accomplish. Do you want to turn your passion into a business or keep it as a side hobby? As you listen to this episode, use this question as your guide! 

Are you running a business or a hobby?  |  Focus(ed) Podcast

Show Notes

First things first

Don’t forget to join the Focus(ed) Business Owners Facebook group! That’s the place we discuss each episode and do lives with some of the guests. There are also lots of questions and topics brought up by others in the group so if you’ve got questions, come ask them inside the group!

Okay, so why do you need a website?

Your ideal clients and customers need to be able to find you. It gives you a bigger platform to showcase your work. Having a website takes your passions from a hobby to a business. Many entrepreneurs start off with a side hustle they promote on their personal Facebook or Instagram. There is nothing wrong with that, however, if you want your business to truly be a business, and have other people take your business seriously, you have got to have a website. Having a website validates you as a business owner and allows you to charge true business rates.

Typically, there are so many moving pieces to a business (like explaining your packaging and pricing) that you just can’t explain it all on a Facebook page. We know it costs money and time to start and run a website, but you really can’t skip this as a business owner. If you aren’t willing to invest that time and money, then are you really ready to run and own a business?

Starting your website

You can buy a domain from GoDaddy or directly through Squarespace. Squarespace even has templates you can use and a free 15-day trial. There are different plans to choose from pricing-wise, so you can choose what works best for you. You can literally start your website today!

When do you need a website?

The moment you decide that you want a professional business, that is the day you need a website. Again, if you just a hobby, please don’t let this discourage you. That is a-okay and you don’t need a website. But if you are wanting to take that next step, a website is the first one you should take.

We mentioned

Squarespace (use code GIMME10 for 10% off)

Don't forget to join the Focus(ed) Business Owners on Facebook to discuss your thoughts on this episode!

Cinnamon Wolfe