038: Mastermind 101, Nevica Vasquez

Mastermind 101, Nevica Vasquez

Nevica Vazquez is a Business Strategist to digital bosses who want to scale their online biz. The bosses she works with are past the beginner stage of their business and ready to assess and strategize their plan for new growth. Together, her and her clients create the online biz + marketing plan they need to get to the next level of their business. In addition to serving her clients Nevica is committed to helping thousands of entrepreneurs start their own mastermind groups so they can have the support, accountability, and feedback needed to reach their big business goals. She created the Find Your Mastermind Checklist so that you can find your perfect mastermind members!

Mastermind 101 : What they are and how to find one

Show Notes

Masterminds are not exclusively only for high level business owners. Anyone can join or start one, you don't have to wait to be invited or may tons of money to enjoy the benefits of of being in a mastermind. 

What is a mastermind? 

A group of people who get together on a consistent basis to offer support, feedback and new ideas that helps you progress from where you currently are. 

During the meetings:

  • Moderator keeps meeting agenda on track and on time (important to say moderator and not leader) 
  • Agenda: Wins, Hot Seat, Accountability, Follow Up/Miscellaneous
  • Switch out moderator 
  • Hot Seat is focused time for one person to get feedback from everyone about a current issue or struggle with their business

Types of masterminds:

  • Peer-led: you start one or join one that includes your peers in the industry, takes a good amount of time to research and get set up, but its a great way to get started with a mastermind
  • Paid mastermind: very similar to group coaching, there is a "leader" of the group, but is run very similarly to a regular mastermind. Some are very high price to get access to some industry leaders. Usually time-limited. 
  • Mastermind matchmaking: you pay someone to have them find you a mastermind

Starting a mastermind:

  • ******Do not post on facebook or social media asking who wants to be in your mastermind!!!! 
  • Try to incorporate complimenting industries, don't have the same jobs represented
  • Try to include people whose lifestyles compliment each other
  • Pay attention to their social media presence, style
  • Have everyone sign a contract and NDA
  • Make sure you communicate that it is a serious commitment from the beginning. Set the tone from the very start. 

What happens if you feel like its not the right group for you or if there is someone in the group who isn't working out? 

  • Should be addressed in the contract
  • It will be awkward
  • Have quarterly check-ins to formally revisit the groups commitment to the group. If anyone wants to leave or dissolve the group this makes it a little easier to do it. 

Three things you get out of a mastermind: Support, Accountability & Feedback

Contract template : Jade & Oak

Nevica's course on how to start a mastermind

How to connect with Nevica: Website | Instagram